BIG Event draft programme site

About sessions

The call for session proposals is now OPEN

Delegate registrations for the BIG Event will open 6 March, 2023 – find out more here

We would love to discuss your session ideas and help you make it work for the audience. We can help you understand what the venue has to offer and the resources available; we can link you up with others who may like to contribute to your session. Please email Ashley Kent at

About the sessions

Session durations vary from 20 mins to 2 hours depending on your format, though most sessions will be 1 hour. Other suggestions can be made.

All sessions will be facilitated by a Convener who will open the session, introduce the speakers, assist with any discussion elements, and keep the session to time.

The BIG Executive Committee reserves the right to programme sessions on any of the Event days and make changes to the programme where necessary.

Participants do not choose sessions in advance. Speakers should plan for an audience of 10-40 people. A maximum limit will be set for some sessions, for example for a workshop where materials will be limited. If you need to limit numbers to your session, please let us know.

A speaker rate for the full conference is available and a maximum of 4 speakers in any one session can attend the conference for free. Speakers contributing to multiple sessions will be entitled to one discount only.

Creating a session

We very much welcome sessions that have been created in partnership or bring together different organisations. A useful way for delegates to find collaborators and resources is through the BIG-chat email list. We are also keen on hybrid events (sessions that work well for both in-person delegates and for remote delegates).

Email Ashley Kent at for more information.

Look at a few ideas to get you going

Add your session proposal on this site